Pipeline Problems

A construction company hired to build the Mountain Valley Pipeline worked on three similar projects that were cited by environmental regulators, who found mountainsides turned to muddy slopes and streams clogged with sediment. The three developers of the natural gas...

Quarantining lawsuits

When Roanoke-area health care providers make their worst mistakes, the results can get buried in two places: graveyards and out-of-town courthouses. Graveyards are where the victims of medical malpractice are buried; out-of-town courthouses are where the wrongful...

Balancing Poff bills, benefits

As monthly electricity bills go, this one was a monster: $111,834.08. That was what the U.S. government owed in January to keep the lights and heat running in the Poff Federal Building in downtown Roanoke. The bill was an aberration for two reasons: It came in the...