Opposing winds

DUO, W. Va. — Up on Shellcamp Ridge, a cluster of ramshackle houses and junked cars lingers where a community once thrived on the coal beneath it. The coal camp of Duo sprang up almost overnight in 1933, when the Raine Coal Co. built rows of identical frame...

New prison empty … for now

INDEPENDENCE — As John Garman walks the hallways and cellblocks of Virginia’s newest prison, he is met at every turn by eerie silence. Prisons are noisy places, and by now this sprawling, 1,024-bed complex should be a cacophony of buzzing electronic gates,...

Balancing Poff bills, benefits

As monthly electricity bills go, this one was a monster: $111,834.08. That was what the U.S. government owed in January to keep the lights and heat running in the Poff Federal Building in downtown Roanoke. The bill was an aberration for two reasons: It came in the...