Juvenile justice on trial

THE sound of fists pounding on metal invaded Melvin Morton’s office through an open window as he talked about the kids locked up at Coyner Springs Juvenile Detention Center. “You hear the words `I don’t care’ a lot around here,” said...

Profits behind bars

NASHVILLE — Were it not for the perimeter of razor wire and chain-link fences, the building at 5115 Harding Place would easily blend in with the suburban sprawl of discount stores, motels and industry that surrounds it. The Metro Davidson County Detention...

Kids and crime

Series: Facing the Fear Paying the Price.  EDITOR’S NOTE – This series is a combined project of The Associated Press, the Newport News Daily Press, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, The Roanoke Times & World-News and The Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk  ...